Live 'Discussion Forum' event

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This event has concluded.

You can read a summary of the event, participant feedback and the lessons we learnt in the 'Summary' tab below.


In these uncertain times and the recent restrictions to support social distancing, we have had numerous requests of how our EngagementHQ digital tools can be used to replace or mimic face-to-face engagement events.

Whilst many are familiar with how you can use our 8 digital engagement tools, there are many ways these tools can be used to support and increase online engagement, or to be used to host a 'virtual event'.

We hope to showcase how easy this is to do, and perhaps you might consider this approach for an upcoming engagement.

Feature Tool

This live event will focus on the 'Discussion Forum' Tool

We will show you how the Forum tool can be used to replicate a face-to-face workshop with 'breakout tables'.

It will be run as a real-time live event where we will welcome and set the scene, our team of experts will then facilitate small group discussions, before sharing back to the larger group.


Wednesday 8th April at 11.30am (AEST - eg that's Victoria time).


11.30 (AEST) - Welcome and introductions.

  • Sign into your account (or quickly create and activate one).
  • Go to the Forum - ‘Dan’s facilitators instructions’.
  • Read the welcome introduction and then say hello and introduce yourself.
  • Dan will provide some instructions for Step 1.

11.40 (AEST) - Step 1 - Quick Poll

  • Click on the ‘Quick Poll tab.
  • Complete both of the two polls (use the arrow to see the next poll).
  • Refresh your screen to see the results.

11.45 (AEST) Step 2 - Breakout Forums

  • Go back the facilitators forum. Dan will provide an update.
  • Choose one of the five forum topics.
  • Your breakout facilitator will introduce themselves.
  • Post a comment and interact/respond with other comments.

12.00 (AEST) Step 3 - Move between Breakout Forums

  • Take a look at the other breakout forums.
  • Read and respond to comments, get involved in the conversations.
  • Don’t forget to ‘refresh your screens’

12.15 (AEST) - Step 4 - Re-group

  • Go to the Forum (Dan’s facilitators instructions). Dan will provide an update.
  • Read the summary of the ‘breakout forums’ (Summary tab)
  • Provide any final comments, feedback or thoughts about the event

12.25 (AEST) - End

  • Thanks everyone.
  • If you have any follow up questions, please ask us here, or get in contact with us.

This event has concluded.

You can read a summary of the event, participant feedback and the lessons we learnt in the 'Summary' tab below.


In these uncertain times and the recent restrictions to support social distancing, we have had numerous requests of how our EngagementHQ digital tools can be used to replace or mimic face-to-face engagement events.

Whilst many are familiar with how you can use our 8 digital engagement tools, there are many ways these tools can be used to support and increase online engagement, or to be used to host a 'virtual event'.

We hope to showcase how easy this is to do, and perhaps you might consider this approach for an upcoming engagement.

Feature Tool

This live event will focus on the 'Discussion Forum' Tool

We will show you how the Forum tool can be used to replicate a face-to-face workshop with 'breakout tables'.

It will be run as a real-time live event where we will welcome and set the scene, our team of experts will then facilitate small group discussions, before sharing back to the larger group.


Wednesday 8th April at 11.30am (AEST - eg that's Victoria time).


11.30 (AEST) - Welcome and introductions.

  • Sign into your account (or quickly create and activate one).
  • Go to the Forum - ‘Dan’s facilitators instructions’.
  • Read the welcome introduction and then say hello and introduce yourself.
  • Dan will provide some instructions for Step 1.

11.40 (AEST) - Step 1 - Quick Poll

  • Click on the ‘Quick Poll tab.
  • Complete both of the two polls (use the arrow to see the next poll).
  • Refresh your screen to see the results.

11.45 (AEST) Step 2 - Breakout Forums

  • Go back the facilitators forum. Dan will provide an update.
  • Choose one of the five forum topics.
  • Your breakout facilitator will introduce themselves.
  • Post a comment and interact/respond with other comments.

12.00 (AEST) Step 3 - Move between Breakout Forums

  • Take a look at the other breakout forums.
  • Read and respond to comments, get involved in the conversations.
  • Don’t forget to ‘refresh your screens’

12.15 (AEST) - Step 4 - Re-group

  • Go to the Forum (Dan’s facilitators instructions). Dan will provide an update.
  • Read the summary of the ‘breakout forums’ (Summary tab)
  • Provide any final comments, feedback or thoughts about the event

12.25 (AEST) - End

  • Thanks everyone.
  • If you have any follow up questions, please ask us here, or get in contact with us.

Discussions: All (6) Open (0)
  • Dan's facilitators instructions

    almost 5 years ago
    Share Dan's facilitators instructions on Facebook Share Dan's facilitators instructions on Twitter Share Dan's facilitators instructions on Linkedin Email Dan's facilitators instructions link
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    Hello everyone, we will be using this Forum as the primary way for me to communicate with everyone.

    My name is Dan Popping, Practice lead at Bang the Table and I am the host for today's event.

    I will post in this Forum to help set the scene and let everyone know what steps to complete. Please use the discussion threads (eg reply to comment) as we work our way through the online activities.

    If you have any questions or get lost, please ask us here.

    PS - Don't forget to 'refresh your screen' often, that way you will see the latest comments.

    As we move in and out of this Forum - I will post a new comment for each of the Steps and provide additional instructions.

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  • What are the positive things you want to retain after Covid-19 ?

    almost 5 years ago
    Share What are the positive things you want to retain after Covid-19 ? on Facebook Share What are the positive things you want to retain after Covid-19 ? on Twitter Share What are the positive things you want to retain after Covid-19 ? on Linkedin Email What are the positive things you want to retain after Covid-19 ? link
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    I'm Lauren, an Engagement Manager at Bang the Table (Qld and WA). Welcome to our breakout forum discussion.  I put my hand up to facilitate this forum today, as I thought this was a really interesting topic. 

    COVID-19 has rapidly changed the way we live, work, socialise and relax. Despite this rapid change, organisations and individuals have been very quick to adapt and adjust to our new reality. We all have things we miss from our pre-pandemic life that we anxiously wait to welcome back, but this forum seeks to explore what we've found

    What positive change would you like to keep post-pandemic? 

    Maybe it's a simple skill or hobby you've dedicated more time to, maybe it's a change to your working life, or perhaps it's a new way you've found to engage your community - large or small. Whatever it is, share it here and let's start looking for the silver lining. 

    At 12pm we will encourage you to explore some of the other forums, and welcome new contributors to this topic. 

    Some tips to get the chat going: 

    • Keep refreshing your page so you can see what others have contributed
    • If you see something interesting, let the author know!
    • If you have a question for another contributor, don't be shy.

    This forum will be facilitated by Lauren Keating, Engagement Manager (Qld and WA)

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  • What has been your biggest challenge, in shifting towards a digital first engagement approach ?

    almost 5 years ago
    Share What has been your biggest challenge, in shifting towards a digital first engagement approach ? on Facebook Share What has been your biggest challenge, in shifting towards a digital first engagement approach ? on Twitter Share What has been your biggest challenge, in shifting towards a digital first engagement approach ? on Linkedin Email What has been your biggest challenge, in shifting towards a digital first engagement approach ? link
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    Hi, I’m Jodie, like many of you, I am working remotely, from my home in sunny Sydney. 

    Our topic for our discussion is all about how we’re adapting to a world where digital tools have become the primary way for us to connect. With face to face engagements temporarily off the table, no doubt you’ve had a whole heap of new and unfamiliar digital tools thrust at you, and it's likely that many of them are fast becoming your 'go to' methods engagement. 

    For anyone not used to operating in this ‘Digital-first’ world, this is likely to be extremely overwhelming, and many of us will be experiencing similar hiccups, hurdles, headaches. So jump into the conversation below to offload, and let’s unpack some of these challenges together!

    This conversation is open from 11:45am - 12:00pm, at 12:00 we encourage you to explore some of the other chats. To get the conversation started, i’ve loaded in a few comments, feel free to like/dislike and comment, or go ahead and submit a new one.

    This is a safe and moderated space for kind and constructive conversation. The forum will be facilitated by Jodie House.

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  • What are the challenges you face by working from home, and how are you overcoming them ?

    almost 5 years ago
    Share What are the challenges you face by working from home, and how are you overcoming them ? on Facebook Share What are the challenges you face by working from home, and how are you overcoming them ? on Twitter Share What are the challenges you face by working from home, and how are you overcoming them ? on Linkedin Email What are the challenges you face by working from home, and how are you overcoming them ? link
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    Image of Katie talking to someone with a Bang the Table banner in the backgroundHi, I'm Katie Toohey, I am your breakout facilitator for today. I have been working with Bang the Table as their NSW Engagement Manager since 2018. My role at Bang the Table has always been work from home (WFH) and so over the last few years I have gained experience in how to successfully (and not so successfully) work from home in a remote team. Today I join you from the beautiful Blue Mountains, a few hours north west of Sydney.

    Join the discussions today to share your experience in working from home - what has worked well? What is not working so well? Any top tips? Anything you want help with?

    This conversation is open from 11:45am - 12:00pm, at 12:00 we encourage you to explore some of the other chats and welcome new contributors to this topic. To get the conversation started, I’ve loaded in a few comments, feel free to like/dislike and comment, or go ahead and submit a new one.

    Some tips to get the chat going: 

    • Keep refreshing your page so you can see what others have contributed
    • If you see something interesting, let the author know!
    • If you have a question for another contributor, don't be shy.

    This forum will be facilitated by Katie Toohey. Please be kind, we are all finding this new environment challenging so keep your comments constructive.

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  • What offline or other engagement ideas could you consider to promote inclusiveness and compliment your online presence?

    almost 5 years ago
    Share What offline or other engagement ideas could you consider to promote inclusiveness and compliment your online presence? on Facebook Share What offline or other engagement ideas could you consider to promote inclusiveness and compliment your online presence? on Twitter Share What offline or other engagement ideas could you consider to promote inclusiveness and compliment your online presence? on Linkedin Email What offline or other engagement ideas could you consider to promote inclusiveness and compliment your online presence? link
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    Hi everyone and a warm welcome. My name is Nicole Vaughan and I am Engagement Manager at Bang the Table covering Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. I've been involved with lots of great conversations on building online engagement presence and particularly now around connecting socially online in a time where physical distancing is required. Join us here to share your thoughts and learn from others around engagement ideas that promote inclusiveness to compliment your online engagement strategy.   

    This conversation thread is open to the group from 11:45am - 12:00pm and at 12:00pm we encourage you to explore other discussion forums and welcome others here to join the chat.

    To kick things off I have shared some opening thoughts and questions which you can reply to. Please feel free to start your own threads and take it in a direction that is meaningful to you.

    PS: Keep refreshing your page so you can see what others have contributed. And feel free to share links to any resources 

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  • Should we be engaging during the current Covid-19 crisis ?

    almost 5 years ago
    Share Should we be engaging during the current Covid-19 crisis ? on Facebook Share Should we be engaging during the current Covid-19 crisis ? on Twitter Share Should we be engaging during the current Covid-19 crisis ? on Linkedin Email Should we be engaging during the current Covid-19 crisis ? link
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    Hi I'm Joe, your breakout facilitator for this conversation thread. 

    I'm based on the lovely Mornington Peninsula and operating from the shed, with three kids running around outside (Felix 10, Morgan 7 and Callum 1).  So naturally, I am acutely aware of the challenges of my new shared co/working space. 

    This conversation thread is open to the group from 11:45am to 12
    from 12 to 12:15 the discussion will be open for others to jump in and out.

    There is a range of concerns being raised about engaging in the current Covid-19 crisis. This is a space to discuss and explore thinking around this topic.

    Please feel free to start your own threads below.

    To kick start things I have posted a few comments below. you can either jump into these threads of take it off in a direction meaningful to you. 

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Page last updated: 09 Apr 2020, 02:36 PM